Terms of Use

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Terms of Use Agreement

Between you and StockDisciplines.com, a.k.a. Stock Disciplines, a.k.a. Stock Disciplines, LLC  hereinafter referred to as StockDisciplines.com

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You understand and agree that StockDisciplines.com, its owners, officers, managers, members, employees and associated persons work with many disciplines, strategies, and trading or investing models. They also take positions based on a wide variety of projected or anticipated holding periods. Also, a single individual associated with StockDisciplines.com may use more than one discipline at a given time either in a single account or in multiple accounts.  Different investment approaches may “buy” or “sell” at different times or call for contrary actions regarding the same security at the same time. At any given time, StockDisciplines.com, its owners, officers, managers, members, employees and associated persons may be using any of these strategies for their own accounts. In fact, it is possible that the same individual associated with StockDisciplines.com could sell a stock in one of his or her accounts while buying that same stock in another account being managed in accord with a different discipline.  As a result, StockDisciplines.com, its owners, officers, managers, members, employees and associated persons may have a position or interest in securities that are given a positive or negative review on this website.  Furthermore, that position may be contrary to or in alignment with the comments and commentaries posted on the StockDisciplines.com website. 

You understand and agree that on occasion a security, previously purchased or sold by officers, members, employees, owners, or other persons associated with StockDisciplines.com may be highlighted, discussed, or reviewed on this website either positively or negatively, and securities touted as “buys” or in some other way given a positive review may have already been purchased or sold by StockDisciplines.com, its owners, officers, managers, members, employees and associated persons. A stock may be both a “buy” and a “sell” candidate at the same time, depending on the particular strategy and investment time horizon used. For example, a commentator may call a stock a “buy” from a long term perspective while that same commentator is selling the stock because he or she is taking small profits based on very short-term moves (perhaps with the intent of buying the stock again in a day or two). StockDisciplines.com, its owners, officers, managers, members, employees and associated persons may also day-trade for its/their own account(s). That is, StockDisciplines.com, its owners, officers, managers, members, employees and associated persons may take a position with the intent of closing it out the same day, after only a quarter-point move or so, or intend to buy it again within an hour or two after selling it.

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